The Dirtchamber
A mixed reality testing environment for real-time global illumination algorithms
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cdune::aabb< V >An axis-aligned bounding-box
 Cdune::mesh< V >Basic interface of a mesh
 Cdune::aabb< DirectX::XMFLOAT3 >
 Cdune::assimp_mesh::mesh_infoA helper struct to supply information about submeshes loaded by Assimp
 Cdune::mesh< DirectX::XMFLOAT3 >
 Cdune::d3d_meshMain D3D mesh interface class
 Cdune::assimp_meshA d3d_mesh created with the help of Assimp
 Cdune::gilga_meshDefault implementation of assimp_mesh (pun intended)
 CskydomeA simple skydome mesh
 Cdune::composite_meshA mesh composed from other meshes
 Cdune::sdk_meshA d3d_mesh created with the SDKMesh DXUT loader
 Cdune::simple_meshA very simple mesh class with position-only vertex attributes
 Cdune::cameraA simple perspective camera
 Cdune::deferred_rendererThe deferred renderer base class
 Cdc::common_rendererA common, simple deferred renderer
 Cdc::rsm_renderer< L >A common_renderer also rendering an RSM
 Cdc::rsm_renderer< dune::differential_directional_light >
 Cdrf_rendererA Delta Radiance Field renderer for augmented reality
 Cdc::rsm_renderer< dune::directional_light >
 Cgi_rendererA full global illumination renderer
 Cdune::detection_infoDetected pattern information block
 Cdune::directional_lightA simple directional light source with an RSM
 Cdune::differential_directional_lightA differential directional light source
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cdune::exceptionException class
 Cdune::gilga_mesh::gilga_vertexA gilga_vertex comes with position, normal, one texture coordinate and a tanget
 Cdune::gilga_mesh::mesh_dataMesh data for CPU side useage
 Cdune::gilga_mesh::mesh_data_psMesh constant buffer data uploaded to the pixel shader
 Cdune::gilga_mesh::mesh_data_vsMesh constant buffer data uploaded to the vertex shader
 Cdune::patternA basic pattern
 Cdune::postprocessorA base interface for a postprocessor pipeline
 CpppipeA default implementation of the postprocessor
 Cdune::profile_queryA GPU profiler
 Cdune::serializerSeralizer to read/write Dune objects from/into JSON/XML
 Cdune::shader_resourceA shader resource wrapper
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_debug >
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_delta_injection >
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_mesh_data_ps >
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_mesh_data_vs >
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_parameters >
 Cdune::cbuffer< cbs_propagation >
 Cdune::cbuffer< dune::gilga_mesh::mesh_data_ps >
 Cdune::cbuffer< dune::gilga_mesh::mesh_data_vs >
 Cdune::cbuffer< onetime >
 Cdune::cbuffer< param >
 Cdune::cbuffer< parameters >
 Cdune::cbuffer< per_frame >
 Cdune::cbuffer< T >A wrapper for constant buffers
 Cdune::gbufferA geometry buffer (collection of render_target objects)
 Cdune::kinect_gbufferA GBuffer fed from a Kinect camera
 Cdune::light_propagation_volumeA Light Propagation Volume
 Cdune::delta_light_propagation_volumeA Delta Light Propagation Volume (DLPV)
 Cdune::sampler_stateA wrapper class for a sampler state
 Cdune::sparse_voxel_octreeA sparse voxel octree (SVO)
 Cdune::delta_sparse_voxel_octreeA Delta Radiance Field of an SVO necessary for Delta Voxel Cone Tracing (DVCT)
 Cdune::textureWrapper for a Direct3D texture object
 Cdune::render_targetA render target wrapper
 Cdune::texture_cacheA texture cache
 Cdune::trackerA simple pattern tracker written with OpenCV
 Cdune::assimp_mesh::vertexA vertex with all its attributes as loaded by Assimp